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Course Features

Lectures Live Webinar
Duration 3hrs
Skill Level 3
Attendee Dietitians, Doctors, Interns, Psychologists
Certificate Certificate of Participation
Assessments None
CPE Credits 3
Price $42

Trainer: Amy Hess Fischl MS, RD, LDN, CDE

Category: Healthcare

Accreditation: CDR



The course will focus on the diabetes complications and the efficiency of the nutritional interventions in the various scenarios of complications. The course will address some of the pathophysiology of diabetes complications, risk factors leading to the complications, and the diagnosis and screening techniques used for early detection. The course will addres also the various complications and the treatment and nutrition intervention. The course will then focus on the nutritional intervention for the management of diabetes complications from a practical perspective, including the macro and micro-nutrient guidelines, role of biotics, popular diets including the diabetes diet, as well as a ten-min toolbox for intuitive and mindful techniques to be used by the dietitian for their patients in treatment. 
